Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Some upcomming animation work from Belgium! Always great to see! I am very curious.

Here is the synopsis:

Earth's first life forms and direct descendant's from the primal soup; want to reclaim their rightful place in the world. In order for them to re-conquer the planet, they need a global water world. They plotted a dark strategy and assigned a special task force to execute the operation; codename 'Global Warming'. No matter how microscopic in size, despite the insignificance of their actions, the fact they never conquer more than a dozen square meters beach or the mind blowing stupidity of their reasoning, they blindly believe in the success of their mission!
This is the never-ending story of Plankton Invasion.


1 comment:

Snaerd said...

Very funny second teaser! Strong comical timing and original arena. Great Tip from esse.