Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Surf's Up is in town

...and everyone will know about it!

Surf's Up
Originally uploaded by _esse
The heat is on, or in this particular case, we might say the tide is high. A giant marketing campagign for Surf's Up is rolling over the city. Banners on public transportation, posters in busstops, billboards along every major boulevard and highway, banners towed by airplanes over California's coastline and some giant prints on landmark buildings throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area create awareness in every living souls mind. The flick premieres June 8th in the US.

We have been taking some pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/esse/sets/72157600284895513/

More to come...


Roland Contreras said...

Congratulations to the film crew. We will certainly go to see the film.

Unknown said...

Idd, je kan er niet naast kijken. Zelfs het gebouw naast ons complex (the liquor store) is versierd met een grote Surf's Up affiche (of spandoek)!